Thursday, September 12, 2013

WWE No Mercy 2001 DVD - Like New (used)

Professional wrestling superstar Kurt Angle heads and all-star brawl in this knock-down, drag-out tournament. The battle for world supremacy is on and it done World Wide Federation style.
1.WCW Tag Team Championship: Hurricane and Lance Storm vs Hardy Boyz(c)
2.Test V.S Kane 
3. First-Ever Lingerie Match: Stacy vs Torrie
4. Ladder Match for the I.C Championship: Edge vs Christian(c)
5. WWF Tag Team Championship: Big Show and Tajiri vsThe Dudley Boyz(c) 
6. Undertaker vs Booker T 
7.WCW Championship: Chris Jericho vs The Rock(c) 
8. Triple threat for the WWF Championship: RVD vs Kurt Angle V.S Stone Cold(c) 
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